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Blender Smooth Temporal Denoising Solution

This temporal denoising solution allows for the best balance between denoising quality and temporal cohesion allowing for a cohesive animation to be rendered in high-noise environments with minimal samples. The settings shown below are not reflective of the most optimal settings for this scene or any specific scene.

Blender Render Settings:

  • Noise Threshold: 0.04
  • Max Samples: 512

Undenoised Images:

Notice The extreme noise between frames.

Denoised With Intel’s OpenImageDenoiser

Notice that the noise is greatly reduced but it lacks temporal cohesion and has flickering issues

Denoised With Super Image Denoiser’s Temporal Denoising Solution

Old Github:

Latest Version:

Notice that this temporal solution addresses the flickering and temporal cohesion issues but does not reduce noise as well as Intel’s OpenImageDenoiser. Also the nature of this temporal denoising solution causes the first frame to have a lot more noise than the rest.

My Combined Solution

This solution addresses all problems and allows for strong denoising with temporal coherence using a minimum number of samples. Requires minimal node setup.

Animation Test:

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